There is a pretty exclusive list of things that I have never had a bad time doing, eating Taco Bell is certainly high up on the list, and right up there is chatting with Jemmye Carroll (be it for #TMITuesday) or not.

You can always count of Jemm to speaker her truth and this brand-new #TMITuesday interview screams Jemm’s TRUTH and I’m here for it. Let’s get into it bbz!

1. A lot has changed for you since we last spoke in 2019, and our first interview in 2017, what is something that you consider to be your BEST choice since then, and your WORST? (it could be any aspect of life, the best choice could be a coffee you got that was super good etc)

Best decision: Doing ayahuasca in 2021.

Worst decision: Not starting my podcast when the pandemic happened. 

2. Let’s talk about the new podcast JustJemm! What can fans anticipate about it? 

Truthfully, this pod is a gift to me from me. I desperately needed a creative outlet and I’m grateful to have a network (Cloud 10) that believed in me enough to provide me a platform and support to curate this project.

So the fans can anticipate and expect me to give them absolutely everything I have when I sit down to record because this opportunity is so special to me and I want it to be special to my listeners. I just want to give my fans a weekly escape from their real life problems because God knows we all need a little escape from the day to day. 

3. Since today is #TMITuesday, what is something about you that your fans may not already know? 

Fans don’t know a lot about my personal life and honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever share that part of me online.

I look at it like this: It’s not a persona. You’ll get my feelings and thoughts but you want get photos of who I’m in a relationship with or names of my kids, etc. That is for me. Somethings are to be protected and cherished. Every person has an opinion and I love keeping what I love the most away from that kind of exposure. 

4. I cannot believe that I have never gotten to ask you this in two interviews but, if you could choose one song to be your ‘theme song’ what would it be and why? 

At this current moment, with the genocide we are witnessing in Palestine and the way women’s right are being snatched from us daily here in the states: I’m Not Ready To Make Nice.- The Chicks. 

Fast Car is the song that plays over and over in my head so it feels like the overall theme song of my life because it’s song of hope and as long as you have hope, you’re alive.

5. You’re no stranger to the reality TV world, having appeared on multiple seasons of shows, what is your favourite reality show to binge currently? I’m a Love Island and Naked and Afraid girlie pop when it comes to a good binge.

I love binging old seasons of housewives. I have housewives playing on repeat throughout the day everyday. RHONY & RHOA mean so much to me so they are always on heavy rotation. 

I am also going to start rewatching old episode of Real World for  Patreon content so I’m excited for that journey.  

6. With that question, what are your top 5 reality shows you would like to appear/compete in?

1. Traitors 

2. Big Brother 

3. Worst Cooks in America 

4. Ultimate Girl’s Trip: The Real World Version. 

5. Manifesting a Real Housewives NOLA where Trishelle is a full time cast member and I’m a friend of.

7. What are your views on influencers/internet personalities with large followings being seemingly cast over ‘real’ people in today’s reality show universe?

Casting influencers has ruined reality tv. And the success of Traitors US is proof fans just want authentic reality tv stars on their screen.

A lot of this falls onto casting and production.

Casting directors are lazy and instead of finding authentic humans through intense casting interviews, they are sliding into the DMs of mediocre white men who post gym selfies. And production doesn’t take what the fans want into consideration, so they approve of the pretty yet boring candidates casting finds via instagram DMs. It’s extremely annoying as a fan of OG reality tv but it’s unfortunately our new normal. 

My solution is this: 

Let the influencers content create & let the reality stars make the tv. 

8. You are passionate about politics and human rights, what would you say to convince the youth of America to get out there and vote? 

I don’t have anything positive to say. Between the genocide happening in Palestine & this war against women rights in US, I don’t think either political party has the best interest of its voters. Democracy truly feels dead and having to vote for Biden or Trump feels like choosing between the lesser of two evils. 

9. Who is your dream guest (real person or fictional TV character) on your new podcast and why? 

I’ve been dying for someone to ask me this question.

Theo Von. I find his mind so fascinating and would absolutely die for the opportunity to spend time with him. 

10. As always, what’s next for you?

I’m manifesting and putting all my creative energy into making a podcast tour happen for Fall of 2024.  I just want the opportunity to travel to different cities and connect with all my internet friends in real life. 

One response to “#TMITuesday: 10 Questions With TV Personality & Podcaster Jemmye Carroll”

  1. oh I should listen to her new podcast thank you for reminding me


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