Over the last two decades Survivor has produced more than 40 winners, some of the best reality TV out there, and a concept that goes beyond unscripted television.

For any creative endeavour there has to be change, and development, so it is expected that there will be added twists, advantages, and more. Some will work out better than others, of course, but as someone who has watched since season 1 and continues to watch every week into season 46, I’m a fan who has some suggestions, and access to a reality TV and entertainment site where I can write whatever I want.

Welcome to part one.

1. Two Tribes > Three Tribes

With 3 tribes there is always one tribe at a clear disadvantage and it creates a much bigger divide of ‘tribe strong’ mentality come merge.

And while I see the merit in remaining tribe strong it tends to create steamroll alliances, which if I wanted to see that I would watch Big Brother.

Watching three tribes compete for 2 immunity idols feels less like its necessary to come in first, but simply to not be in last.

2. Family visits

Instead of everyone getting their American Idol season one type of ‘sob story’ I would prefer a family/loved one visit, to ‘get to know them’.

Let us not forget the iconic ‘Grandma Fairplay death’ performance we got during Survivor: Pearl Islands.

I like to see the way that people break down their created facade and run to the arms of their loved ones. I like seeing the faces of their fellow tribe mates who have heard so many stories about the loved ones who are now a part of this experience.


Give the players rice again, I prefer to watch my reality TV people starve and survive on Naked & Afraid.

Without rice I’m seeing players breakdown entirely after 3 days. Not to mention that not eating for three days can lead to significant effects on the body:

-Energy Depletion: The body uses up stored glucose for energy first, then switches to breaking down fat stores.

-Metabolic Changes: After 8-12 hours, the body enters ketosis, producing ketones for energy, leading to fatigue and mental fog.

-Muscle Breakdown: Without nutrients, the body may break down muscle tissue for energy, causing weakness.

-Nutrient Deficiencies: Prolonged fasting can cause deficiencies in essential nutrients, affecting overall health.

-Weakened Immune Function: Malnutrition weakens the immune system, increasing vulnerability to infections.

-Electrolyte Imbalances: Fat and muscle breakdown can disrupt electrolyte levels, leading to dizziness and irregular heart rhythms.

-Organ Damage: Severe malnutrition can damage organs like the heart, liver, and kidneys.

Plus, there is potential for moments like this again:

4. One idol per island, per tribe.

At one point in the last few seasons there was FIVE active idols.


Thats too many.

Factor in the Shot in The Dark too?? I—

5. Bring back not having the journey.

I only need one journey in my life…

2 responses to “Dear Jeff, this is what I think Survivor US needs to bring back… Part 1”

  1. and the auction where is the auction


    1. we got it last season!


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