In this week’s brand-spanking-new interview I chat with a fellow endo-warrior who made reality TV history on The CW. She’s a singer, an influencer, and a 2x reality TV star on two major networks. I’m delighted to present to you my #TMITuesday interview with the effervescent Tamaris Sepulveda.

Is she still with Vinny? Is she a swiftie? Find out right here, right now.

  1. How does your experience filming FBoy Island compare to your experience filming All Star Shore?

Fboy Island was an unforgettable debut for me. The vibrant setting of Mexico and the constant presence of cameras made it feel like a cinematic adventure. I formed strong connections with my fellow leads as we navigated the complexities of the show. The format, which began with speed dating, allowed us to peel back layers and uncover true intentions, making eliminations all the more intense. The emotional highs and lows of each elimination round were a testament to the genuine connections and the tough decisions that had to be made. It was a journey of self-discovery, as I learned more about myself and what I truly value in a partner.

All Star Shore, on the other hand, was a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Set on a picturesque island in Cartagena, the constant surveillance and lack of privacy were challenging. Competing alongside other reality stars for a grand prize added an extra layer of intensity. The games were a mix of strategy and luck, and the after-hours drama added to the complexity of the experience. Sharing a room and the omnipresent cameras made strategizing tough. The idea of merging stars from various shows was innovative, but it also led to clashes and drama. Despite the tensions, the experience taught me valuable lessons about teamwork, strategy, and the importance of staying true to oneself in the face of competition.

2. Do you keep in touch with anyone from either show? 

I’m still close with many of the Fboy Island cast, especially my girls Louise and Mia. We’ve formed a unique bond through our shared experience on the show. We’ve even created a sort of Fboy Island family with the cast from seasons 2 and 3. Whenever we’re in the same city, we try to organize a mini-reunion. It’s a joy to be part of the wild and crazy Fboy Island universe.

 As for All Star Shore, I occasionally chat with some of the cast, but I mainly stay in touch with Vinny, though it’s not very frequent.

3. Since today is #TMITuesday can you tell my readers something about you that they may not already know?

Despite being on reality TV, where it seems like nothing is private, I’m actually quite reserved in my personal life. Only a select few friends and family know the real me. A life-changing accident a few years ago made me realize the importance of making the most of every moment. I made a promise to myself to constantly seek new knowledge and skills. Since then, I’ve embraced a variety of experiences, from hands-free biking and tile demolition to obtaining my concealed weapon license and real estate license. I’ve explored creativity through an Artistic Freedom Program and improv classes, and I’m currently working towards my private pilot’s license and learning to play the guitar. I’m a firm believer in the power of continuous learning and self-improvement.

4. You made history by becoming FBoy Island’s first FGirl (GOOD ON YUH BABES!), what was the reaction like for you on social media and in your real life?

The reaction to becoming FBoy Island’s first FGirl was truly overwhelming. I hadn’t fully grasped the show’s reach until the finale aired, and my social media was suddenly flooded with messages/comments. While many were supportive, others were shockingly harsh. I’ll never forget the first message I saw right after the finale, a viewer wishing I would “jump off a building and die.” At first, it seemed absurd, but it was just the beginning. To this day, I receive DMs and comments from people who think I’m a horrible human being.

Despite the negativity, the outpouring of love and support from fans was incredible. Many viewers found my decision to choose myself not only bold but also inspiring. They appreciated my stance as a FGirl, redefining the term to represent a woman who is unapologetically herself and refuses to be played. This positive feedback was a silver lining, showing me that for every hater, there are twice as many supporters who value authenticity and strength.

The support extended beyond social media into my real life. My friends and family were incredibly proud of me for staying true to myself. They knew that if the opportunity arose, I would make the strategic choice to secure the win.

Overall, the experience taught me a lot about resilience and the power of self-love. It’s been a journey of embracing my identity as a FGirl, a term I now wear with pride as a symbol of empowerment and self-respect. The mixed reactions have only fueled my determination to continue living life on my own terms.

5. Would you consider appearing on any other reality shows in the future? If yes, which ones, if no, why not? 

I’m always up for new adventures, and if the right reality show comes along, count me in. I think I’ve had my fill of dating shows, though. I’d be more interested in participating in a competition show or a show centered around a social experiment, like (The Circle.) Even better, stepping into the role of a host or leading my own show would be a dream come true!

6. If you could choose one song to be your ‘theme song’ what would it be and why?

“Formation” by Beyoncé would be my go-to theme song. Much like Beyoncé empowers through her music, this song speaks to my own journey of empowerment and resilience, especially living with endometriosis. It celebrates taking control and making waves, which mirrors my adventures in reality TV and my passion for advocating for endometriosis awareness and diving into new creative paths.

7. How would you describe an ‘FBoy’ to a Victorian Child?

Imagine a gallant knight in shining armor, but instead of rescuing damsels, he’s more interested in collecting hearts like trophies. That, my Victorian friend, is the modern-day FBoy.

8. Do you feel that you are accurately portrayed on TV? 

This is a tough one. In some ways, yes, the show did a good job of showcasing different aspects of my personality, both positive and negative. I believe in authenticity, and I’m here to present the full picture of who I am. On Fboy Island, my portrayal felt accurate for the most part. Being an Fgirl was about honesty and embracing my history, and I think that came across well. On All Star Shore, it highlighted my competitiveness, my vulnerabilities, and my sexual side, especially with the unfolding of my relationship with Vinny.

9. Are you a Swiftie? 

I wouldn’t want to risk the wrath of the Swifties by saying I’m not one! As a singer, my heart is with R&B, but I’ve got to admit, Taylor Swift has a ton of amazing hits that I can’t help but enjoy.

10. What’s next for you? 

I’m thrilled about the future! I’m dedicated to shining a light on endometriosis and using my platform to support others. I’m also diving into podcasting to connect and inspire, and I’m taking on acting with exciting short film projects.Plus, I’ll keep pushing boundaries within modeling and creativity, always exploring new ways to express myself.

Some many endless possibilities. 

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