Andrew T*te fanboy Matt Klotz, the man who we watched lose Big Brother and talk obsessively about the female contestants in both negative and loving ways, took to Zach Nichols podcast to retract his love for Reilly Smedley.

This “realization” came out of nowhere, I assume for some clout, despite telling her she was attractive and creating a Q-tip shrine in her honor on the show, and also becoming emotional after she got kicked off the show (week 2).

During an Instagram Live session, Smedley was questioned about her current relationship status with Klotz saying, “We are not dating right now,” attributing the situation to timing and her co-stars current state. “You know, he needs time. We talked about it. He needs time. He’s doing his thing, and I’m not gonna interfere. I’ll always be his friend, but right now he was pretty honest, and it’s not a good time for him,” she explained.

The discussion on the podcast drew criticism from fans and Big Brother alumni, including Danielle Reyes, who condemned the disrespect shown towards Riley. “This is not a good look. There is no need to disrespect her on a podcast,” she posted on X (formerly Twitter). “Usually I do not care about post bb but the fact he thirsted over her the whole season being down right creepy and then turns it around like this. Honestly glad he lost,” said another fan on the platform.

One response to “Big Brother 25 Runner-Up Matt Klotz Takes to a Podcast to bash his former obsession Reilly Smedley”

  1. I hate him and zach


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