I think that every viewer on Wednesday night sat GOBSMACKED as Anthony nabbed the win in the 3rd part of the final HOH competition against Bayleigh and then…

then chose to evict…Lexus??? Heres what went down.

Richmond Hill’s Anthony Douglas won the first part of the vital three-part HOH competition. This left Bayleigh and Toronto’s Lexus Jackson to go head-to-head in the second comp, with Bayleigh coming out victorious.

Dougy and Bayleigh then faced off in final competition, with “Dougylicious” securing the final HOH title. With audiences on the edge of their seats (me on the edge of my bed tbh), Anthony decided to take Bayleigh to final two, eliminating Lexus, making her this season’s last jury member “money over loyalty” echoed through our speakers. Taking the spotlightBayleigh convinced the jury that she played the most loyal and hard-fought game.

Twitter (I’m not calling it that one letter),was ALL OVER Bayleigh’s answer to Tola’s jury question and the app was convinced this solidified her win.

That wasn’t the lone winner of the night with Todd Clements taking home the fave player prize.

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