This week’s feature gets to help decide the winner of Survivor 46, didn’t go home with an idol like a lot of people did.(No really, SO many idols were not played…) and is an actor. Tevin Davis graced our screens as the social butterfly of the Nami tribe this season of Survivor, 1/2 of the Andy Griffith alliance, and 1/6 of the Six. Unfortunately, his torch was snuffed after a little blindside, but isn’t that the way to go in the game? I sat down and asked Tevin about music, movies and a lil somethin’ about Hunter too.

1. Who, or what inspires you in your day-to-day life, and your music? 

I’m inspired each and every day by God. When I wake up each day I already know I have won and that Im deserving of another day of greatness. That in turn allows me to inspire myself by drawing my focus introspectively to acknowledge what I have already done and what I have yet to do. 

2. It would take approximately one conversation with me to know that I love reality TV, and I do not consider it like some would be to be a guilty pleasure.   Do you have any guilty pleasures? 

See I like that answer and honestly I dont believe in guilty pleasures. I am unconcerned about peoples judgements of me and I firmly stand by the things I enjoy and participate in. I do have non-guilty pleasures that I indulge in for sure though such as demolishing anything strawberry or strawberry flavored or splurging on things I want even though the MORE responsible thing would be to save that money. If I really want it, Im getting it lol. Life is indeed short.

3. Since today is #TMITuesday, can you tell my readers something about you that they may not already know?

You gotta take me to dinner first before you start asking me for the low down lol. Hmm. Well you all definitely dont know that when I was around 4 I went missing and was being searched for, for 4-5 hours before I returned. The short version is my family was at a yard sale venue selling things and I made friends with two semi-similarly aged brothers who were there, and they asked me to come home with them to play as their house was not far away from where we were. I asked my mom could I go and she gave me the black mom look and followed up with “no.” I went back to those boys and told them, “hey, so…she said yes.” And thus began my family’s worst nightmare come to life as I was playing video games with my new friends. Oh to be a child.

4. Let’s do some fan/dream casting, who is playing the following in your biographical film?

You: Im totally playing myself. Thats kinda fun actually!

Your father: My Uncle Richard because he is the spitting image of my dad and obviously exhibits similar traits.

Jeff Probst: I’d like a Jeff cameo please! No actor required.

Your mom: Anita Baker? Idk, they look alike.

Your sister: Honestly Brittney Griner minus the bass voice.

Hunter: I don’t know if he would be in my biographical film this early into our friendship but if so please hire Chris Hemsworth. Just make him do a country accent.

Venus: Similar to Hunter, I don’t think there is a reason for her to be in a film about my life.

5. What is your ‘mantra’ in life? 

Stay Positive, Test Negative. 🌻

6. On a similar note, what song, if you could choose just one, would be your ‘theme song’ and why? 

I would choose “The Greatest Love of All” because not only did that song inspire and catapult me to becoming an actor but the deep meaning of loving yourself and having conviction in being who you are is exactly who I am and who I try to be. 

7. What is the best film you have seen so far this year?

I have been a bit wrapped up with Survivor  this year so I haven’t been able to catch everything, but from what I have seen so far, I have to say Mean Girls has been the best out of the small bunch. “My name is Regiiiina Geoooooooorge.”

8. Can you describe an average day in your life for me in 20 words or less?

Jamming and singing as I rehearse for shows, perform in shows, and check in with friends and family.

9. If I were to look at the last 5 songs you listened to what would they be?

Whitney Houston. No doubt. I am Whitneys biggest fan on this Earth and any other Earth out there. I always have some Whitney blasting and no doubt the last 5 were Whitney! 

10. What’s next for you Tevin?

I will be in Illinois this summer at the Illinois Shakespeare Festival performing in Macbeth, Sense and Sensibility, and Twelfth Night! I have some more things in the works too so do stay tuned! Thank you!

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