You may remember this week’s #TMITuesday feature from the Wes-Kayla-Ryan love triangle in the first season of MTV’s competitive dating show “Are You The One”. This week’s interview is with the show’s resident “nerd” with a BIG heart. I sat down to ask Ryan Malaty about his views on the latest season of AYTO, his own blog, whether or not I’m his match and find out who from the show he keeps in touch with.


1. This season on the Challenge had 4 of your former cast mates of Are You The One
competing for the first time. How excited were you to see your former housemates? How would you have felt being on there with one of your exes from the show?

I was thrilled to see my cast mates competing on The Challenge! We had challenges on our show, but nothing that compares to the intensity that Bunim/Murray’s show brings to the table. I would have loved to compete alongside/against my cast mates, but I don’t think my ex (Kayla) was ever going to agree to do reality tv again.

2. Speaking of The Challenge, who do you think would win in an arm wrestling match: Ryan Devlin(Host of AYTO) or TJ Lavin(Host of The Challenge)? 

I love Ryan, but TJ all the way.


3. Do you watch any other reality shows?
I enjoy watching the Real World and The Challenge even more so now that I know half the cast. I’m also a fan of Pawn Stars because it combines reality and education. I’m kind of a nerd.

4. What were your expectations going into the Are You The One mansion?

Because it was the first season I had no idea what to expect. Maybe some pretty girls and scenery. But I was in no way prepared to deal with so many dynamic personalities. I would do it again, but with thicker skin.


5. Since it’s #TMITuesday can you tell the readers anything about you they may not know? 
I’m an avid swimmer, diver, rock climber, backpacker, and white water rafter. Also, I’m in the process of writing an illustrated poem book with my little brothers, Brandon and Connor. Oh, and I’ve been to Mexican jail.

6. The second season of Are You The One had a twist with an 11th female, how would you have reacted had this happened on your season? Do you think it would affect your relationships in the house?

      I loved the 11th girl twist! It’s all a big math problem, so I would have adjusted our strategies accordingly. To be honest, I would have opted to leave the 11th girl out of the match ups, so she wouldn’t have been a variable in the equation. But that would’ve definitely caused some waves.


7. Who would you say is your “celebrity perfect match”.  This can if you wish include Canadian, blonde, bloggers named Nikki Sin btw.

Blonde, Canadian bloggers named Nikki Sin for sure! All of them. 😉 Other than that, I’d say  Emma  Watson, she’s magical.   emma

Y’all read it, we’re a match.

8. Do you keep in touch with any of your former cast mates?

    I currently live with Brittany, we’re besties! I also like to keep in touch with Simone and JJ, and I see Wes, Shanley and Dillan every once and awhile because they live here in LA. And I love to keep in touch with Ethan and Amber with their new baby, and my perfect match Jess of course.


9.  I love that you also have your own blog EarthtoRyan , what are your favourite things to blog about?  What inspires posts for you?
      Thank you! I love to write poems, short stories, and articles on current events. I write a lot, but I rarely post. I think it’s partly because I’m super critical of my own work, and most of the stuff I write isn’t meant for the world to see. But maybe someday I’ll purge it all.

10. What’s next for you? Any upcoming projects?

      Well let’s see I was recently signed by Wilhelmina Denver for some print and on-camera work. I’m starting to host with AfterBuzzTV. Brittany and I are working on a new project called “Selfie Report” and we’re increasingly excited to launch. Make sure to follow me on social media @ryanmalaty to stay tuned. :)


You can watch the entire first season of Are You The One on , and stay tuned next week for another all new #TMITuesday interview!

Tweet me with who YOU want to see an interview with next at:

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